
Ekaterine Abuladze



“I am an artist, painter – the first artist in Georgia to represent the field of astro-art and Art-Science.

Also, I am an amateur astronomer and therefore, apart from art, my areas of interest are astronomy, astro-physics, physics, quantum mechanics and cosmology.

In 2007 I founded the educational-creative studio “Eka Abuladze Art Class”, which is operating successfully and efficiently.”


"Electromagnetism", 100x172 cm, Acrylic on canvas., 2018

"Diffraction", 100x120 cm, Acrylic on canvas., 2015-16

"Light", 160x 300 cm, t. Acrylic, 2014

"Gravity", 140x60 cm, Acrylic on canvas., 2014

"Movement", 160x200 cm, Acrylic on canvas., 2014

Professional education / experience

Art Academy, Faculty of Fine Arts, Painting, Easel Painting Workshop