


Membership is measured in months. The standard membership term is 12 months.
The term of membership – Member will be rolling (for example: iif joining on August 10 will expire on August 9 of the following year).

Who can become a Member

The www.weekofart.com is created for the professional, amateur and beginner/student women artists.


The platform owns and presents a database of women artists and an international professional network

that enables professional, amateur, and novice/student female artists to integrate into the international art

space, to communicate with colleagues via the Internet, to introduce their work to a wider public, and to

manage their creative careers.


       Membership benefits

  • Organizing a (one-time) personal exhibition in the virtual space throughout the year
  • Article on the web site blog page (bilingual)
  • Participate in a group exhibition organized by the web site, taking into account the status of a member
  • Participation in the auction (taking into account the status and requirements of the member)
  • Digital Certificate of Membership
  • Reflect member in the database
  • Provide information on current projects/events

Admission to Membership

Admission to membership is conducted online via the www.weekofart.com website. Membership becomes official upon confirmation of payment for the first term of membership. Membership dues are not refundable and are non-transferable.  No application for membership shall be denied on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, national origin, disability or any other characteristic protected by law.

Termination Policy

Membership shall terminate and the member shall be entitled to no rebate of dues previously paid in any of the following events.

Online Payment Terms & Conditions

By accessing or using www.weekofart.com online payment service, Member agrees to be bound by all applicable terms and conditions. Weekofart.com may modify the terms and conditions at any time, with or without notice.

The online payment service is provided to Member to facilitate payment of dues, auctions and other products and services. Member will receive a confirmation once payment has been received. The www.weekofart.com utilizes a third party service to process payments.

www.weekofart.com will not be liable for any deficiencies in the accuracy, completeness, availability, privacy, security or timeliness of payment information sent via this online payment service. The web page will not be liable for any damages of any kind arising from the use of this online payment site, including, but not limited to, direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, exemplary, and punitive damages. The web page owners will not be liable for any breach of Member’s personal or credit card information resulting from the interception of such information during its transmission to www.weekofart.com. Member expressly agrees that its use of this service is at Member’s sole risk. Member agrees that it will not intentionally provide false information when accessing or using the www.weekofart.com’s online payment service.

Weekofart is committed to Member’s privacy and will not distribute information sent via this service to third parties. Weekofarts’s page owners finance and membership departments alone have access to data collected and will not store any personally identifiable information, including credit card information.