
Elene Zhghenti


“Fine art is universal for me; I enjoy expressing myself through various mediums.” My felt works combine folklore traditions with abstract expressionism. In general, I believe that the new and the old cannot coexist, so I always strive to find myself at the heart of my culture. Felt is our cultural heritage that must be preserved.

“I see felt as having new possibilities; in my works, felt is replaced by painting.”


"Abstraction", 120x150 cm, felt, 2022

"Autumn", 135x165 cm, felt, 2022

"Reflections", 130x160 cm, felt, 2022

"Untitled", 150x180 cm, felt, 2022

"Sunset", 160x120 cm, felt, 2022

Professional education / experience

Sarah Lawrence University, Faculty of Fine Arts