
Eliso Chincharauli


“I have felt all my works, each character, specific landscapes, colors or lines… I think I have expressed myself in every picture at any stage: my joy, my sadness, longing or loss. Painting is an indispensable means of expression for me, however, the expressiveness of graphic and line art is no less captivating, allowing me to create a strongly expressive figure. For me, my work is led by my mood and subjective attitude. Without any exaggeration, my creativity is my life, my loved ones and the most precious memories…”


"Khevsurian woman", 50x48 cm, paper. Gouache, 1998

"Portrait of an old woman", 50x48 cm, paper. Gouache, 1995

"Woman with a child", 70x50 cm, cardboard, oil., 2000

"Handicraft", 70x50 cm. paper. Gouache, 2005

Professional education / experience

M. Toidze Vocational school; Art Academy, Faculty of Design, Wood and Metal