
Eliso Chubinishvili


“It is very difficult to write about yourself… In life, there are many different roles that I have had to acquire: I am an artist, author of children’s books, mother and music tutor, although I have never learned music… I was fascinated with various things at various times and I still am – hiking in nature, skiing,  snowboard, bicycle; I have climbed the peaks and paraglided too. There was a time, when I wanted to be an architect, but after graduating from the academy, there was nothing but destruction in the country…

Kids were small, so, I had to stay home for some time. I never thought about writing, however, it so happened that the story I wanted to tell with pictures and create a picture book turned into, to my surprise, an illustrated book about adventures. The second book followed…”



“Fish”, 34x39 cm, pastel on paper, 2002

“Clown”, 42.5x39 cm, pastel on paper, 2006

“Return of Medea” from the series “Illustrations of Lost, not Written or not Yet Written Books”, 29.5x40, c. mixed media, 2018

“Legends” from the “Parnavazi” series, 29.5x40 cm, mixed media on paper, 2021

“Night”, illustration for the book “River of Stars”, 24.5x40 cm, mixed media on paper, 2018

Professional education / experience

Art Academy, Faculty of Architecture; Illustrator, graphic designer;