
Ketevan Mezurnishvili


“I am a dreamer artist because my paintings are part of the world I invented and exist only in my imagination. I love color, diversity, fairytale. The drawing process starts very spontaneously, I have neither an outline nor a sketch in advance. I start with the brush stroke, then the process itself dictates the rest. For me, the mood that comes from the picture is important, it has to be positive. I put great love and emotion in all my works and I believe that it will definitely reach the viewer…”


"Spring Jellyfish", 100x80 cm, Acrylic canvas., 2020

"Wedding of flamingos", 80x100 cm, Acrylic on canvas., 2020

"Lily in Lilies", 100x80 cm, Acrylic on canvas., 2018

"Lily in Lilies", 100x80 cm, Acrylic on canvas., 2018

"Flowers with lemon branch" 60x50 cm, T. Acrylic, 2017

Professional education / experience

Art Academy, Faculty of Design, Fashion Design, Clothing Designer