
Mariam Gegechkori


“I have always tried to connect any of my activities with painting, because I think that boundless love for art is the main part of my personality. In 2019, winning the University Art Competition pushed me to combine two of my favorite areas – art and psychology. I realized that it is not necessary to choose either, as these two areas do not interfere with each other, moreover, they complement, strengthen and help me to present each one better. My future profession is also their unity, I am going to study art therapy for the master’s degree and I am sure there is no job in which I will be more motivated.

Then I realized how important it was to be “real” when creating a work, not to be stressed by any imperfectly drawn lines and to fully convey the emotion you feel when creating it. It is truly amazing to see your own trace in each work, to say something that is not just yours. In the process of studying I have to create a lot of works that require precision, however, I think I still naturally manage to include something of my own in all of them. All my created girls represent me, each color on the canvas is my emotion, desire and aspiration. Participating in this exhibition will allow me to introduce my work to a wider audience, it will truly be a great motivation for me.”


“Phoenix”, 40x30 cm, oil on canvas, 2019