
Maya Chkonia


“I work in painting and graphics. My works cover almost all genres. I work for a long time – a small drawing can take several years. That’s why I think they convey my inner state.

Figure painting is less appealing for me, however, I believe that a professional artist should be able to paint academically; one should be educated in all fields of painting and art, must have his own vision, individual handwriting and as a person, must be free from clichés and stereotypical thinking. I think art is the only thing that leaves a kind and bright trace in the history of mankind.”


"Unknown city", 80x100 cm, Acrylic on canvas., 2020

"On the river bank", 80x100 cm, Acrylic on canvas., 2021

"Expectations", 60x40 cm, Acrylic on canvas., 2021

"The last kiss", 62x50 cm, Acrylic on canvas., 2021

"Portrait", 50x70 cm, paper, Acrylic., 2017

Professional education / experience

Art Academy, Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Graphics