
Mireille Barreault


A graduate of Applied Arts in Paris, I have always loved the material of fabrics, perhaps because of a grandmother and a seamstress mother…
I was lucky enough to marry a diplomat, which allowed me to travel for 40 years and live in different countries, rubbing shoulders with other cultures which influenced my research and meeting artists from all the countries where we lived.
In Moscow, I discovered a world without freedoms but what artistic richness! In Iceland, I learned weaving and presented my first silk painting exhibition. In Leningrad I learned high-warp tapestry with artists from the Union of Artists, an official request to the local authorities since, as diplomats, we were excluded from any contact with the Russians. In London, I worked with children from the French school as a drawing and crafts teacher.
Exhibition in Canterbury and at the French Institute in London. In Florence, I immersed myself in all the Italian Renaissance. After the Italian Renaissance, Rotterdam, the Flemish school, had great artistic currents which are the European bases. In Tunisia, I gave drawing lessons and an exhibition in Carthage
In Portugal for the Lisbon Opera, I painted the costumes for the ballet “The Rite of Spring” by Nijinsky based on drawings by Nikolai Roerich. In Georgia, in Tbilisi, 2 exhibitions and realization of the costumes for the ballet “Coppélia” reassembled by Wilfride Piollet and Jean Guizerix, 2 dancers from the Paris Opera. Then kyiv, the exhibition at the National Museum. Since then I have been working in watercolor.


„Suzani Motif“, 150x200cm, silk crêpe de chine Batik, 2003

„Chinese Motif”, 150x150cm, silk crêpe de chine Batik, 2000

„უკრაინული მოტივი“, 120x120სმ, ცივი ბატიკა, აბრეშუმის კრეპდეშინი, 2005

Professional education / experience

Graduate of Applied Arts of Paris