
Nino Kopaladze


“Archaeology has always piqued my interest.” I enjoyed hand modeling and chose to continue a career in ceramics. It was most likely the right decision, because I am still dedicated to this business and, after graduating from the academy, I keep going to work in the field of ceramics, which continues to amaze me with its diversity. I enjoy traveling and enjoying nature, as a source of inspiration for me and is reflected in my work.”


"Illusion of Nature", 35x35 cm, porcelain, Angoba, 2010

"Illusion of Nature", 33x33 cm, white clay, angoba, 2020

"Mushroom", 25x17 cm, stone mass, glaze, 2021

"Boat", 25x23 cm, red clay, Angoba, 2005

"Teapot", 30x25 cm, stone mass, glaze, 2005

Professional education / experience

TSS Academy; Bremen School of Art, Department of Ceramics