
Rusudan Machavariani


“My work is completely based on the mood and emotions that make me create each piece with some peculiar force. I work in painting and graphics, felt and knitting tapestries. I choose the technique according to what I want to say, what effect I want to achieve. At this stage of life I am attracted to abstraction because there are no boundaries and you can freely spread your wings. For me, sharing whatever I want to say is very important. The emotions and evaluations gained in this way give me the motivation and inspiration to create more and to stay active in arts. Secondly, in my teaching practice, I want to show students the importance and power of art, to manage teaching the future generations even more. For this, I have been working tirelessly for 14 years and I go to Sachkhere highland village to give lessons. I want art to reach everywhere and tell the future what it has to say.”


Triptych, 175x280 cm, tapestry, 2017

"Mirage", 120x95 cm, tapestry, 2015

"Abstraction I", 130x200 cm, felt, 2012

"Abstraction II", 100x190 cm, felt, 2012

"Dream," 70x85 cm, felt, 2018

Professional education / experience

M. Toidze Art School; Tbilisi State Academy of Arts, Faculty of Decorative and Applied Arts, Artistic Textile Decoration; Since 2008 at the village of Nigvzar, Sachkhere district