
Tamar (Tako) Shashiashvili


“For me, being an ‘artist’ is not a profession. You are born with this talent, you look at world differently and this is your life… As far as I can remember, all my life, I draw or create something – I can not stop. This is my lifestyle…
I work and draw because I can’t live without it and I don’t even want to


"Eden", 64x69 cm, canvas. acrylic, gold leaf, 2008

“Woman”, 90x99 cm, acrylic on gold leaf, 2015

"Fish", 20x25 cm, Acrylic on canvas, 2015

"Immeasurably in love with you", 69x52 cm, paper. mixed media, 2005

"Falling Down", 100x70 cm, acrylic on canvas, 2019

Professional education / experience

Art Academy, Faculty of Fine Arts, Direction of Easel Graphics